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  • sellers.json data
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  • Server geolocation

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Current Unique Statistics

  • 544,661,845 Root Domains
  • 4,087,132,730 Subdomains
  • 129,091,693 Certificates
  • 100,160 Server Types
  • 380,585 CMS Types
  • 12,741,741 IP addresses
  • 50,722,368 MX Records
  • 32,705,634 Email Addresses
  • 221,083,004 A Records
  • 85,103,765 App/ads.txt Records
  • 17,148 Sellers.json Records
  • 54,817,136 TXT Records
  • 19,947,984 SOA Records
  • 3,777,004 Nameservers
  • 583,266 Organizations
  • 7,348 TLDs
  • 504,362 Server geolocations
  • 81,847,089 Unique HTML Page Titles
  • 89,229,548 Unique HTML Metadata
  • 792 Whois servers

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